Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The First Christween.

Hello you, my lovely reader.

Tonight I would like to introduce you to the majesty that is Christween! Christween occurs some time between Halloween and Christmas when you want to celebrate Christmas with your room mates before going home.

In our case, Christween came to be when we had a free Christmas tree and too many cats to use pretty decorations on it. We proceeded to decorate the tree with anything we had lying around (which was all left over from Halloween) and we had ourselves a Christween Tree.

We celebrated Christween on December 8th this year and enjoyed an excellent meal prepared at Girl House (mostly by Sheena). It was a much needed break in the stress of exams in which we ate tasty food, drank wine and wore silly Christmas cracker hats.

This is what Christween looked like at Girl House!

The Tree! Note which hat and cobwebs.

Our pretty lights!

Preparing food! (or posing for pictures?)


The food and silly hats were phenomenal!

Merry Christween to all, and to all a good night.

p.s. Stay tuned for the possible posting of real Christmas pictures, but don't get your hopes up.

The amazing Ms. Blogganator!

So, here it is! I have officially (but not completely) abandoned my livejournal in favor of a blogger. I fully intend on being much better to this blog than I was to my livejournal who I only updated a few times a year.

An explanation:
letsgodowndisco/ Sacre bloody bleu and triple merde, and poo. Are courtesy of one of my favorite series of books by Louise Rennison (check it out, http://www.georgianicolson.com/) as well as the advice of my bestest girly friend Rebecca (check her out, http://fullydressedinapond.blogspot.com/) Also, they tend to describe my life in many ways. As it tends to be full of crap but lots of dancing! Or something like that.

That's all I have to say for now, thanks Sheena and Rebecca for the inspiration to get a new blog. Haha.

Merry Christmas to all you readers, as I am sure you are aplenty already. Not.